When is Father’s Day 2023 in Pakistan?
Father’s Day 2022 in Pakistan is on Sunday, 18 June 2023. Father’s Day in Pakistan is celebrated on the third Sunday of June every year. This Day is not a public holiday in Pakistan.
Happy Father’s Day is similar in celebrations with Family Day, Parents Day, Children’s Day and Mother’s Day.
Father’s Day is an important day to wish our father and make him happy.
In every religion and culture father is an important figure.
Quran, the holy book of Islam, also guides its followers to do good with their mothers and fathers:
“Worship Allah and join none with Him in worship, and do good to parents”
(Quran, 4:36)
Father’s Day Celebrations in Pakistan
Father’s Day Activities
- Father’s Day is a great opportunity to spend time with your father.
- Play some indoor games like carom board or cards with your father.
- You can visit your father along with your kids.
- Listen some interesting stories from your father of his past.
- Cook favorite dishes of your father at home.
- Have dinner with your father at some outdoor place.
- Try to understand and fulfil your father’s expectations.
- You can also share his sorrows of loneliness and try to make him relief.
- Visit the grave of your departed father whom you might have lost during most of the hardest times of life.
Father’s Day Gifts
- Flowers and interesting books are a pleasant gift for your father at the occasion of Father’s Day.
- Make him remind the day of your birth.
- Make him remind his marriage day.
- You can gift a packet of cigars to your father on this day.
- Gift him a father’s day cake.
- A large-sized framed photo of your father along with your mother is a unique gift of Father’s Day.
- You also can gift him a framed photo of your kids.
- Gift him a wrist-watch or cuff-links.
- Gift him a fragrance or perfume of his choice.
- Also remember to gift them some necessary items of common use from which we are unaware, like a walking stick, some medicine or such type of utility equipment.
You can know much more about Father’s Day 2022 by clicking
Father’s Day Dates in Pakistan