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World Wetlands Day 2025

World Wetlands Day 2024

World Wetlands Day 2023

World Wetlands Day is on  Sunday 2nd, February 2025. The date marks the adoption of the Convention on marshland and aims to raise awareness and emphasize the vital role of wetlands.

2025 World Wetlands Day Theme

Wetlands Restoration” is this year’s theme. The idea is to prevent these land masses and focuses on the urgent need to prioritize wetland restoration. This day is about raising awareness about the importance and conservation of wetlands, and the theme calls the action.

History of the day

A group of environmentalists organized this day very first time. They wanted to celebrate the day for the protection of wetlands. 2nd February marks the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands  adopted in Iran (Ramsar) in 1971.

Annual dates of the Day

Date Day Year
2nd February Thursday 2023
2nd February Friday 2024
2nd February Sunday 2025
2nd February Monday 2026
2nd February Tuesday 2027


Why does the world celebrate the day? / Purpose of the day

We celebrate the day annually to raise global awareness to recognize marshland’ importance and protection. The day aims to stop the ruining of ecosystems and restore them to achieve our goals for world peace. Furthermore, this day reminds us of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands and our responsibilities to accomplish this.

How to celebrate the day? / Activities of the day

  • Go for photography!

This day emphasizes the importance of the wetlands, and they look charming as well. Go for photography! Take photos of these gifts of nature and share them on social media.

  • Read about the Marshland

Take this day as an opportunity to read about the wetlands and their importance for the people, the species living in them, and the planet. So, read to learn and rise to spread it.

  • Make a poster

Let’s make posters with some important information to spread awareness among people.

  • Educate the youth!

It’s time to educate the youth because they are the world’s future. Educate them about the importance of wetlands to make them protectors of these natural assets.

  • Organize an event in your locality

Tell your nearby people about the event that you are organizing to make them participate. Make the event an educational one to share this day’s aim and spread awareness to achieve it.

  • Make environment and water-friendly conscious decisions

This day is about saving our natural assets in the form of wetlands. So, persuade yourself to use water carefully, and don’t waste it! Avoid using toxic products, and don’t throw the dumped rubbish to stop their flow into the marshland. These are small daily life actions that can bring a huge positive change.

  • Encourage to call an action

Practice the small things in your daily life that can be a small step towards achieving our common goal. Tell people about this and encourage them to do so.

  • Pledge yourself to act for the restoration of marshland

Pledge yourself to do for the protection of the marshland. You can post your conscious choices, bold actions, and persuasive voices to the “Wall of Pledges”. Invite your audience, too, in doing so.

  • Watch a documentary on the importance and benefits of marshlands

Watching a documentary with your family to increase knowledge is the best way to celebrate the day. Because learning and actions start at your home.

  • Take a trip to visit your local wetlands

Call your friends and go to visit your nearby marshland. Check out what factors are destroying the wetland and plan what you can do to conserve them.

  • Share a photo/story of your bold action

Feel free to share your photos of your bold action or any effort that supports the day to persuade others.

  • Share posts on social media

Use your social media outreach to share and post relevant material with people worldwide. Share informative material and a list of possible actions that we can do to participate.

Importance and benefits of the Marshland

  • Marshes offer opportunities for hunting, fishing, and seeing wildlife.
  • They provide us with various vegetation, protect us from floods, and provide clean water.
  • Wetlands serve as habitat enhancement and are home to forty percent of world species.
  • They act as a sponge to trap and slowly release the snowmelt, rain, water, and flood waters.
  • Plays a vital role in combatting climate change.
  • They recharge the groundwater supplies and remove pollution.
  • Wetlands cover about 9 percent of the earth’s surface and contain 35 percent of the global terrestrial carbon.
  • They control the erosion rate.
  • Wetlands can stop overflow from surfaces before reaching open water, eliminate pollutants through biological, chemical, and physical processes and improve water quality.
  • They protect us from extreme climate and assist us in recovering better from calamities.

What can we do to save wetlands?

  • Limit the use of pesticides and fertilizers, and practice household plants to avoid them; it will immensely help the wetlands.
  • Use water and ecosystem-friendly products and avoid toxic products.
  • Practice the 3R Strategy as reduce, reuse, and recycle.
  • Don’t waste water; instead, conserve it.
  • Learn and educate others about the matter.
  • Participate and volunteer.

Shocking Facts

  • The wetlands of the United States have decreased by half since the 1700s.
  • Llanos de Moxos is the world’s largest protected wetland in Bolivia, with more than 17 million acres.
  • Amazon River Basin, Hudson Bay Lowland, and West Siberian Lowland are worldwide largest wetlands.
  • 1/3rd of the endangered species live in the wetlands of the U.S.
  • Alaska has 63 percent of the wetlands in the world.
  • Acquisition of the federal duck stamps goes towards their protection.
  • There is a program set up in New England through which you can adopt marshland to save them.
  • Marshland save the surface of the water from problems with nutrient overload by eliminating the extra nutrients.
  • Since 300 years, about 87 percent of the world’s wetlands have vanished.

 Why is the day important? / significance of the day

  • This day emphasizes the importance of marshland for people and the creatures in them.
  • In addition, this day makes us realize that wetlands look so beautiful, so why will we not take action to save these blessings?
  • Furthermore, this day makes us conscious of participating and making decisions to save the wetlands. Encourages us to stop the actions that are damaging the marshlands.
  • Wetlands day is a great source for learning and educating others about their importance. This day educates us a lot and induces a wave of action.
  • This day is an energy booster for nature’s beauty lovers. They contribute and participate a lot in the activities of the day. Their actions encourage others to do so for the conservation of nature.

Quotes, Messages, and Wishes of the Day

  • The responsibility to save our wetlands lies on our shoulders; we cannot afford to lose them at any cost. “Wish you a very Happy World Wetlands Day.”
  • “Marshlands are nature’s gift to humankind, and we must realize their importance before it’s too late.”
  • “Protect the Earth before it is too late; one way to do that is by protecting the marshland.”
  • “Absorbing pollutants is one of the ways wetlands help our planet.”
  • “Wetlands Biodiversity is calling to save their resources. Give some of your moments to save the earth.”
  • “Let us join our hands to celebrate this day by spreading awareness about the marshland and their significance.”


What are the types of wetlands?

Wetlands have various types, including marshes, rivers, mangroves, bogs, ponds, mudflats, billabongs, swamps, floodplains, and lakes.

What kinds of species live in wetlands?

Wetlands are the habitats of various survivors, such as various fishes and birds like geese, ducks, sandpipers, and kingfishers. Wetlands provide them with protection and food. Furthermore, mammals like beavers, otters, and even tigers depend on marshlands for food and shelter.

What threats do wetlands face?

Wetlands are facing the threats of pollution from factories, pesticides, and fertilizers.

What happens if the wetlands disappear?

If the wetlands disappear, the cities will have to spend more money to treat floods; animals will be displaced or die, endangered species will be extinct, and food supplies will be stopped.

Who is responsible for Marshlands?

Government agencies, the public, the United States Army Corps of Engineers, and the E.P.A. are all responsible for wetlands.

 Can wetlands be farmed?

Even before changing the locality’s drainage system, you can farm if part of your farm is a designated wetland.

 How long does it take to restore Marshland?

Marshland can be stored for 3 to 4 years, depending on the damage.

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